Hey folks, I'm Ayush Gupta, currently 19 years old. Let me give a brief introduction about myself and how I came into this tech world.
-Before class 10
I was a science guy. Mathematics and science both were my favourite subjects. I remember I was involved in robotics stuff and all, making RC cars, unique gadgets etc.
-Class 10 (2019-20)
In my class 10, 2019, I was first introduced to the building blocks of WebD, HTML and CSS. I was fascinated by it, and diving more into webD, I picked up my first programming language javascript. Build some websites, and participated in interschool WebD competitions which gave me even more exposure to the tech world. But then came the twist, "JEE".
- JEE(5/2020-6 /2022)
Long story short in classes 11th and 12th I was involved in youtube, animation and my lovely JEE.
*Youtube? I wanted to earn, so like any other internet-hyped kid I jumped into it.(started some random channels related to FACTS,DIY,WebD tutorials in 2020)
*Animation? Yeah, I'm a person who loves creativity, the idea to give my imagination a light was very exciting to me. Made some 25 great videos and learned 1min equals 24frames, that pain says it all. (THE MADME 2021-2022, I still love it.)
*JEE? As stated I was a science guy, and my academics was also a decent one (95% in both 10th and 12th). So I went for it, and later found it was something just not for me. I knew i have interest in tech, and the very idea that to pursue CS from a tier1 college I have to ace PCM sounds bullshit to me. I just lost all the interest that I had in science and mathematics. Doesn't mean i was roaming, i was studying unwillingly, getting pain in my head and so many side stories going on that i can't explain. I somehow finished my class 12th and dropped the whole idea of jee in between and focused on BITSAT my score was 162, I thought i won't get anything in this score and didn't even sit in the counselling, dumb.
Once I got to know about BITS PILANI,their rules,regulation and culture, and parents also agreed to the college, I just can't think about any other college not even IIT. I took a drop.
-Drop year(9/2022 to 18june 2023)
Well well, my drop year wasn't like any other student, it was completely different. First of all, I took a drop not for IIT/NIT but only for BITS. Second, I was coding.
Yeah, you read it right, I was coding in my drop year, I was fed-up from this system, i just can't express the pain my head has received, frequent sleep paralysis, pinch in the nerve, headache, ugh. JEE sucks for people like us.
So I completely ignored JEE and took a famous tech stack to go ahead, "MERN", there were many mistakes i did, tutorial hell says it all. To use what i learn i directly took a big project a TIME MANAGER APP, probably a second mistake idk because afterall there is no absolute right roadmap,you learn you fall, you learn, "FAILY EARL, FAIL OFTEN, FAIL FORWARD". But yes there are methods which can act as catalysts to success will discuss them later.
Time passed and came January 2023 and i decided to give my all projects to a halt and come back to study. I was studying, unwillingly. I gave my first JEE-MAINS just for the sake of giving it, but what happened at the exam centre changed my upcoming months, i mean i started studying for IIT once again those long lectures PYQ sessions.WHY? Someone returned with such a bang, i mean i lost my mind, worldly instances at max ultimately leading to actions of idiotism at ultra level pro max. My previous side stories came to the mainstream, in a nutshell, I was rhyming. DUMB.
My personal life is like noodles more i try to solve it more complex it gets. So lets leave it that there, What i can say is finally my BITSAT score is 175, it's low, but I'm open to take any branch be it btech/dual/pharma, cause I'm kinda bored in these 4 walls for 3 years and want to explore a little, as far as official CS degree is concerned I have taken BITS online bachelor in computer science program, yeah degree doesn't matter but I just don't want any odds. So officially starting my tech journey, and this time no race.
In between my journey, in March 2023, I discovered Kunal Kushwaha and his wise words, exposing scammers and the idiotic system. His golden advice, learning in public, networking, open-source, remote work, and global communities helped a lot. Since then i have found several other great people and communities and here i go:-
Always learn from experts.
Don't learn in isolation, it will give you pain or pseudo-satisfaction, learn in public.
Join different Communities according to your interests.
It's not a race, enjoy the process.
Don't get overwhelmed, everyone starts from zero, be consistent.
Don't follow anyone blindly, everyone speaks according to their journey and perspective, listen to people who are bringing a positive change to you.
Motivation is nothing but a positive distraction, better attend a podcast in your field, it will help you.
You should know the system, and be an expert in anyone.
Learning in public isn't about followers, it's about building credibility.
All Resources are available for free, but if you are looking for a paid course make sure it is taught by an expert and not some random bhaiya/didi.
Build projects, and test your skills via open source side by side.
In order to be an HNI in India via tech field you either need a business or a remote job or better apply in foreign.
You become what you consume so make sure you don't consume shit.
Will be following amazing roadmaps created by the @WeMakeDevs community.
DevRel (side by side)
A lot of Projects...
"one should know something about everything and everything about something"
Starting my exciting Computer Science Journey, glad I found @WeMakeDev before my college journey.
#WeMakeDevs #Day0